Forum Launch Competition – WIN a Bose A30!

Forums Elevate(her) Aviation Forum Forum Launch Competition – WIN a Bose A30!

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    To Launch the Elevate(her) Women in Aviation Forum, we will be giving away a Bose A30 in collaboration with Bose Aviation!

    To be eligible to win you must:

    1- Be an Elevate(her) Member – (create your free account HERE

    2- Follow us on Instagram @elevateheraviation 

    3- Post one of your favourite aviation photos on this thread and introduce yourself! 

    To create your forum account please click HERE or the ‘register‘ button on the log in tab on the top righthand of the screen.

    This is a global competition, and entries will close on the 4th of September then we will be randomly selecting a winner!

    We look forward to connecting with all of you!

    The Elevate(her) Team

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  • Replies
    Hi there!

    My name is Lucie and I am an AFISO based at Solent Airport on the south coast of England. I have a PPL(A) and am currently enjoying hour building in PA28s!

    I’ve been working in ops for this summer season and it’s something I never thought I would be able to do! I have Elevate(her) to thank for this opportunity. It is amazing to see these aircraft in the sky where they belong, and be a part of making people’s warbird dreams come true! It puts a big smile on my face, as you can see from the selfie 🙂

    Hi – I’m Emma – currently doing my IR(r) and mod 2 of ATPLs!

    Hello everyone my name is Christina & I’m so happy to be part of this vibrant movement. I’m currently a senior first officer and single engine piston flight instructor having re-trained and entered the airline industry 3 years ago via the modular route transitioning from a previous career in policing.

    Aviation in all its forms is my absolute passion and I am humbled to be where I am now.

    My mission going forward is to inspire other women that a career in aviation is both exciting and achievable

    “If you believe you can then you can”


    Hi everyone

    My name is Melanie, I started working in aviation 14 years ago, and have since worked in Airline Ops, Cabin crew, ATC towers and I am now working towards becoming an airline pilot.  My most recent job has been working as a FISO at Elstree.

    Becoming an airline pilot was always the dream and I am now halfway through my ATPLs, I am very much looking forward to moving on to the flying part of my training and making all the hard work of ground school worth it.  It will be a bit of a change to be on the other side of the radio after all these years.

    My favourite photo is one where I was lucky enough to get a Fam flight with easyJet, and had the opportunity to sit in the left hand seat of an A320, I thought in this photo that it would be my only chance of getting to sit in that seat, but very fortunately I have now got the opportunity to learn to fly and aspiring to sit in the left hand seat for real with British Airways in a few years time.














    Hello everyone!

    My name is Grace Kripgans. My aviation journey started in 2018 when I had a trial flight for my birthday and it has been quite busy ever since! I saved up and completed my PPL in 2022 (Covid delays!) whilst studying Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies at the University of Liverpool, graduating in 2022. In December 2022 I started the integrated ATPL course with Skyborne. I’ve since completed my ATPL exams, CPL and as of last week my ME/IR!

    I’ve just started my APS-MCC course and hoping to finish training next month.

    After training, I have secured a job as a first officer with British Airways!

    As I’m sure everyone in this thread can relate to, being a woman in aviation often means being the only woman in the room. It’s wonderful to see all these inspirational posts from pilots and I hope the number of us continues to grow!

    Good luck everyone & happy flying 🙂


    • This reply was modified 5 months, 2 weeks ago by gracek123.
    Hi All!

    My name is Lisa and I’m right at the very beginning of my journey into the big blue above us! Now in my mid-40s and having spent the past decade starting my family I’m slowly discovering being me again, and am feeling super inspired and a real pull skyward. Who knows what this will look like, would really love to get my PPL one day, although there’s some hurdles to clear for that to become a reality, in the meantime undertaking some gliding and skydiving have help scratch a growing itch.

    Pic below is from my first experience in a glider and becoming skyborne for the first time. Very much a butterfly effect moment for me.

    Laura Turner
    Hello fellow Aviators!

    My name is Laura. I am a lawyer by day and a commissioned officer in the RAFAC in my spare time with a passion for aviation. I am currently a PPL(A) Student based in Leeds, West Yorkshire and can often be seen flying above the skies of Sherburn Aero Club.

    I have so many amazing photos I could have shared. Everything from my first flight as an air cadet at the age of 13 to my first solo flight during my PPL(A) at the age of 35! However, given I am especially passionate about ‘paying it forward’ and promoting aviation opportunities through my platform in the RAFAC, I have chosen to share the photograph below. This was taken on a trip to Manchester Airport Air Traffic Control with my air cadets where we watched multiple aeroplanes take off, watched the sunset and gained an appreciation for the amount of multi-tasking air traffic do to keep our skies and pilots safe. My favourite part of the day though was watching an Airbus A380 take off – watching this aircraft actually take off and seemingly defy the laws of physics is still pure magic to me!!! 🙂


    Hi! My name is Libby and I am currently studying my PPL(A). My love for aviation started on a holiday and always wondering what it would be like to take control of an aircraft. For my 18th birthday I had a trial flight and my journey (quite literally) took flight.

    27 hours in and I have completed my first solo in the hopes to become a commercial pilot! No doubt it has been challenging but it has taught me lots of discipline and for sure is the utmost fun!

    This photo is forever my favourite as it captured me after my first solo flight which the lead up to was interesting to say the least!

    Hi, I’m Bridget. I’ve completed a CPL and currently finishing working on my fATPL (hopefully by October) and so excited to be so close to becoming a commercial pilot!

    Amazing to meet everyone, so happy that ELEVATE(her) visited my academy of study and introduced me to these forums to connect with so many other people in aviation!

    This is my favourite photo because it was my favourite moment while flying, my first time breaking through the clouds and able to see the world above! I was flying a DA42 for the first time, so many highlights.

    [email protected]
    Hello! My name is Maddie and I’m from Northampton,Uk  🇬🇧 However,  I am currently doing my flight training in Slovenia 🇸🇮 I have my PPL (A) licence and 1 ATPL exam to go (which I can’t wait to be done with😂) I have also finished my experience building hours and will be starting IR and CPL soon.
    This photo was taken on one of my first cross country flights over lake bled here in Slovenia and I was in absolute awe. I will feeling stressed with my exams at the time but as soon as I saw the view it reminded me of why I want to become a pilot and how incredible the thrill of flying made me feel.

    I am so pleased whenever I meet other women in aviation and so I’m glad I get to be a part of this community:)

    Hello everyone,

    my name is Annalena, and I’m from Munich, Germany. I hold a PPL(A) and I am in the process of obtaining my ATPL through a modular program. I have a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering and am currently working for an aviation company.

    The photo was taken during my very first flight into the Alps – flying is truly a dream come true! 🛩️

    Hey everyone, my name is Zoe. I’m a full time engineer and part time aviator based out of Milton Keynes (doing my PPL in Northamptonshire after starting in Oxfordshire)

    I got into aviation because I’ve always had a facination with planes so I did a trial hour lesson and had a good chat with my instructor who taught me you don’t have to have £100,000 ready to go to be able to learn to fly. Now bit by bit I’m getting through my hours and exams til I can properly call myself a pilot.


    This picture is from my first flying lesson in turweston and I love it because it’s proof why my cheeks always hurt at the end of a lesson 😂

    Constant smile and gorgeous views.

    Hi! I’m Vero and I’m based in the UK. I’m fortunate to live near Duxford where we’ve seen some fantastic air shows, and have attended Fairford RIAT air shows for many years now.

    I’ve been a passenger to date, but this is about to change. 🙂

    This photo is from a recent flight over Southwold.


    Hello, dear Women of Aviation!
    I am Marija, 32 year old ICU Nurse, aspiring to be a holder of PPL!
    I met the delegation of Elevate Her at AERO Friedrichshafen 2024, in Germany. Impressed by the mission of Elevate Her and feeling appreciated by the competent women living diversity in their lives, I decided to pursue PPL.

    Growing up, there weren’t many career nor hobbies options in my surroundings, especially for women. I promised myself to break those barriers. Inside of oneself as well as in my surroundings. Setting an example for my younger sisters and all the women I grew up with.
    Elevate Her showed that it is possible! And I’m going for it! So, thank you for uniting us all and giving us a sense of community, that we all missed along the way!

    Kind regards, Aviation Women ❤️👩‍✈️

    [caption id="attachment_630" align="alignnone" width="300"] Hi![/caption]

    My names Libby and I am currently on my journey to the flight deck via an Integrated ATPL program.

    I completed my exams in February and have just returned from 6 months in the States doing my Basic Flying Training and my CPL!

    This picture is from my first solo upon heading back! I didn’t think the day would come after a bit of a rocky moment. I stayed resilient and with the support of my course mates and incredible instructors, my confidence returned and my first solo was a perfect buttered landing … somehow these only ever happened solo ?!


    Before flying I was a gymnastics coach and even did a summer as cabin crew, in which I learnt a lot about the industry and lifestyle. Becoming a pilot has been a dream for many years and my first visit to the flight deck and then after meeting a female pilot. Once I realised I was capable and there is opportunities within the male-dominated industry, I knew a life at 30,000ft was where I wanted to be!

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