Hi, Ladies! My name is Michelle Vance. I am an American and have been living in Germany for 11 years now.
My aviation story is a bit unusual. I grew up around airplanes my entire life as the daughter of a U.S. Naval Aviator and later as a pilot’s wife. As a kid, I thought about becoming a pilot and was blessed to fly some with my Dad. Unfortunately, there weren’t any female role models around and I felt discouraged from pursuing it seriously.
I trained and worked professionally as an opera singer for many years. After a big life crisis, I had to pivot careers and was happily led back to my childhood interest in aviation.
I started training for my PPL at Worms Airfield in Germany a couple of months ago. I also applied for and won a large scholarship to complete my instrument and commercial ratings! It has all been such a whirlwind and an exciting ride! I am blessed to have met the lovely gals at ElevateHer who have encouraged me and dubbed me the “Singing Pilot”! (Shout out to “piperfoxa”!!!