Laura Turner

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  • Laura Turner
    Hello fellow Aviators!

    My name is Laura. I am a lawyer by day and a commissioned officer in the RAFAC in my spare time with a passion for aviation. I am currently a PPL(A) Student based in Leeds, West Yorkshire and can often be seen flying above the skies of Sherburn Aero Club.

    I have so many amazing photos I could have shared. Everything from my first flight as an air cadet at the age of 13 to my first solo flight during my PPL(A) at the age of 35! However, given I am especially passionate about ‘paying it forward’ and promoting aviation opportunities through my platform in the RAFAC, I have chosen to share the photograph below. This was taken on a trip to Manchester Airport Air Traffic Control with my air cadets where we watched multiple aeroplanes take off, watched the sunset and gained an appreciation for the amount of multi-tasking air traffic do to keep our skies and pilots safe. My favourite part of the day though was watching an Airbus A380 take off – watching this aircraft actually take off and seemingly defy the laws of physics is still pure magic to me!!! 🙂

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